Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 24, 2023

1. Introduction

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This privacy policy explains when and why we collect personal information about people who visit our website, how we use this information, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others, and how we keep it secure.

2. The information we collect

The only personal data we collect is what you voluntarily provide us via our contact form. This may include your first name, last name, email address, and phone number. These details are necessary for us to respond to your inquiry effectively.

3. How we use your information

We use your information to respond to your inquiries, which may include:

  • Providing you with the information you requested
  • Responding to your questions or comments
  • If you agree, sending you information about other products and services we think may interest you

4. Access to your information and correction

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please contact us via email. We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.

5. Security

We are committed to securing your information. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

6. Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this webpage. This privacy policy was last updated on May 24, 2023.

7. How to contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or the information we hold about you, please contact us by email at [email address].

Please note that our site may contain links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to our website, so when you click on links to other websites, you should read their own privacy policies.

By using our site, you consent to our privacy policy.

EU Cookie Consent

To use this Website we are using Cookies and collecting some Data. To be compliant with the EU GDPR we give you to choose if you allow us to use certain Cookies and to collect some Data.

Essential Data

The Essential Data is needed to run the Site you are visiting technically. You can not deactivate them.