Booking conditions


The rental is final when the Agency confirms the tenant's reservation by sending a rental confirmation, after having received the rental contract and the planned deposit within the specified deadlines. The inventory attached to the contract is provided for information purposes and is not a contractual document.


The price includes heating, water, gas and electricity consumption as well as agency fees. A tourist tax will be collected according to the current rate in the municipality of Arâches. The tenant who has paid a deposit towards the rental undertakes to take possession of the premises at the availability set in the contract and to pay the balance of the rental price 30 days before, whatever may happen, illness, accident or unforeseen event. In the event that these conditions are not met, the landlord would be entitled to immediately re-let the property. Any bank charges will be borne by the tenant.


The apartments or chalets are fully equipped with dishes, cutlery and bedding EXCEPT HOUSEHOLD LINEN. Sheets are provided from December to April only EXCEPT MINI-STAY AND PROMOTIONAL WEEKS for any reservation through this site.


The rental starts at 5pm and ends at 10am, the tenant will have the option to extend his stay, in case the premises are not already re-rented, subject to prior notice given to the Agency, the rent will be counted "prorata temporis".

Tenants wishing to take possession of the accommodation after 6:30 pm will have to have paid not only the balance 30 days before arrival, but also the deposit.


The rented premises must be lived in decently and as a "good father", all commerce is strictly prohibited. They are equipped and furnished for the number of people indicated on the back, any excess must be reported to the Agency and leads to an increase in the rental price.

The furniture and movable objects should only suffer depreciation from usage and in case some of them are damaged, broken or missing, they must be replaced by similar ones of equal value or the replacement price can be paid by the tenant to the Agency which will determine the replacement cost.

The tenant is responsible for any broken or damaged item and damages that could be caused to the installations, heating devices or others, especially because of freezing (windows left open, etc.) or poor handling.

The tenant is not allowed to sublet.

Dogs or other animals must be specified to the agency before booking because only certain accommodations accept animals (unless expressly agreed by the Agency).

Inventory of premises

The tenant must in his interest check the condition of the premises and the inventory, as well as the proper functioning of household and sanitary appliances, if any complaints, report it in writing to the Agency within 72 hours using the inventory received with the rental confirmation, after this period no account can be taken.

Due to the large number of departures or arrivals at the same time, the inventory of premises will be carried out before taking possession and after the departure of the tenant, by the Agency's staff.


Interruptions in the operation of the General Services of the building: heating, hot and cold water, electricity, etc... as well as for Public Services: water pipes, electricity, telephone, access..., do not justify a rent reduction if they are not due to the direct and personal fault of the landlord, and do not give rise to damages and interest.

The tenant cannot, under any circumstances, refuse to pay the rent under the pretext that the leased premises are subject to a dispute.

Security Deposit

The tenant will be asked for a deposit by check or cash upon arrival. This deposit is intended to cover the cost of any damages that may occur during the rental period. In case of damage or insufficient cleanliness, the cost of replacement or repair will be deducted from the deposit. The security deposit or the balance of this deposit after deductions will be returned to the tenant within a maximum period of 15 days after his departure.

Final Cleaning

The tenant must leave the rented premises clean. If the premises are not left in a clean condition, an amount will be deducted from the deposit for cleaning costs.

The cleanliness of the premises is checked by the Agency's staff at the end of the stay.


The tenant must be insured by an insurance company against the risks of theft, fire, water damage and glass breakage, both for his rental risks and for the furniture given for rent, as well as for claims by neighbors, and will provide proof at first request of the lessor. Therefore, the lessor declines all responsibility for the recourse that his insurance company may exercise against the tenant in case of disaster.


In the event of early termination of the lease by the tenant, there will be no refund except for the rental deposit if the property is re-rented for the same price. If the property is rented at a lower price, the difference will be retained by the landlord, unless the termination is due to a case of force majeure. The balance of the rent remains due.


In case of dispute, only the courts of the location of the rented premises are competent.

Cancellation Policy

In case of cancellation by the tenant, the amounts paid will be kept by the Agency. In case of cancellation by the Agency, the amounts paid will be refunded to the tenant.


The Agency respects the privacy of its customers and is committed to ensuring that all personal information is kept confidential. The personal information collected is used to provide the requested services and to communicate with the tenant about products and services. If the tenant decides not to receive promotional information, they can unsubscribe at any time.

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